financial Assistance
for Families
We are committed to making Christian education affordable for all families. Our Tailored Tuition program is designed to help customize the cost of tuition based on your family’s ability to pay for families who apply and qualify.
One of our greatest values is to make the highest quality Christian school education available to all families. It is our desire to offer competitive tuition rates and the best programs available.
All Tailored Tuition awards are issued annually and applicants are required to reapply each year. The program is available to all K-12 students.
Applications begin December for the following school year. Families are encouraged to apply early.
Families who desire a Rancho Christian Education and feel the tuition may be beyond their reach.
Rancho uses an objective third-party processor via Rancho Central Financial Aid. Rancho Central Financial Aid will process your request and analyze your financial need. Final decisions will be made by our Tailored Tuition Committee after reviewing the analysis from the Rancho Central Financial Aid. Tailored Tuition applications must be completed online at https://studentfinancialaid.blackbaud.school/. The application fee for Blackbaud Financial Aid Application is $45.
New Families - The Tailored Tuition application process is separate from the admissions process. You will need your most recent completed tax returns and W-2s in order to apply. Tailored Tuition for new students will be considered only after the student’s school application is completed and the student has been accepted by the Admissions Office.
Returning Families - Returning families will need to re-apply for Tailored Tuition each school year. Applications can begin as early as December 15. Initial awards will be issued based on reported income. Tax returns must be submitted by April 1 to allow for final award confirmation. Should a family decide not to attend based on an insufficient award, they have 2 weeks after the issuance of their award to notify the admissions office for an enrollment fee refund, less a $25 administrative fee. This applies to returning families who complete their application by April 1.
Blackbaud Financial Aid estimates the tuition that the family should be able to pay according to this profile. After careful consideration, our Tailored Tuition Committee will determine a Tailored Tuition award for the family. The school's budget and the number of applicants determine the impact of the awarded amount.
Tailored Tuition applicants who submit all necessary information to Rancho Central Financial Aid and have been accepted by the admissions office (new students) will be notified within 4 weeks after completion and verification of your Rancho Central Financial Aid application.
Include the most recent tax documentation you have available. If you are asked for a specific line from a tax document that you have not yet completed, please estimate the projected amount.
Blackbaud Financial Aid’s calculation works off of the total household income, therefore including all income, whether the party is legally responsible for your children or not. Our system, however, does take into effect your spouse’s expenses as well as their income. It is important to list all expenses that are asked of within the application.
Tailored Tuition awards are applied towards your tuition responsibility. Sibling discounts and other promotions cannot be combined with Tailored Tuition.NOTE: Applicants have 2 weeks to sign and return their award letter. Awards will be forfeited if not officially accepted by returning a signed award letter.
Disclosure of Tailored Tuition awards by families may be considered a breach of contract and could lead to revocation of assistance. Assistance may be withdrawn if an account is not kept current and in good standing. All financial information is held in strict confidence by Blackbaud Financial Aid and our committee.
Students must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or above and must be free of any disciplinary issues, or awards may be revoked at the end of the semester.
Uniforms, extracurricular activities, after-school care, school fees, and lunches are not covered by Tailored Tuition or required annual fees.