shadow days
Interested in attending Rancho Christian? Experience a day on Campus.
Our shadow program provides interested students an opportunity to spend a typical day at Rancho Christian School (K-12). Our guests will attend classes, meet teachers, coaches, counselors, and get to know our community.
Students interested in transferring to Rancho Christian are also welcome to participate in our shadow program. All attendees will shadow a student in the same grade level. Shadowing is not mandatory, but it is a great opportunity to experience what it’s like to be a Rancho Christian student. The number of shadow guests is capped at three per day in Elementary, and six per day in Secondary (three in Middle School, and three in High School).
For Parents
If you would like to schedule an appointment with the President/Principal on your student’s shadow day, please contact Carina Corlee at 951-303-8040 or via email at carina.corlee@ranchochristian.org.
How to Schedule
Simply scroll down and choose which grade your student would like to attend and click the button to book.
Elementary Shadow Days
Elementary (K- 6th Grade)
Report to the Elementary Front Office at 8:15 am (school begins at 8:30 am).
Comply with the Rancho Christian dress code:
Bottoms: khaki pants, shorts, or skirt.
Tops: navy polo.
Bring a snack and a water bottle. A hot lunch will be provided. Attendees are welcome to bring money for additional food if they would like.
Students will return to the Elementary Front Office at 2:30pm.
Please note: Kindergarten will end at 12:00 pm.
middle school Shadow Days
Middle School (7th – 8th Grade)
Report to the Admissions Office at 8:30 am (across from the guard hut near the football field).
Comply with the Rancho Christian dress code:
Bottoms: jeans, black, navy or khaki pants.
Tops: white, gray, black or navy.
Bring a snack and a water bottle. A hot lunch will be provided. Attendees are welcome to bring money for additional food if they would like.
Students will return to the Admissions Office at 2:30 pm.
high school Shadow Days
High School (9th – 12th Grade)
Report to the Admissions Office at 8:30 am (across from the guard hut near the football field).
Comply with the Rancho Christian dress code:
Bottoms: jeans, black, navy or khaki pants.
Tops: white, gray, black or navy.
Bring a snack and a water bottle. A hot lunch will be provided. Attendees are welcome to bring money for additional food if they would like.
Students will return to the Admissions Office at 2:30 pm.