Rancho Christian school
Rancho Christian is proud to be a premier Christ-centered preschool through high school located in the Inland Empire of Southern California. We have been faithful serving families in our community since 1981. Our highly qualified and caring staff & faculty partner with families to give students the best possible opportunities to learn and grow in a safe, fun and challenging environment.
Choosing a school is an important decision, maybe one of the most important decisions you can make for your child.
Our admissions team is here to help.
Equipping Christ-centered leaders who are University Ready and Life Ready.
Loving God and Others
Christ-like Character
Premier Education
Exceptional Programs
Rancho Christian School is a model of exceptionalism, centered on the grace and truth of Jesus Christ. We cultivate a safe and positive environment where students journey through a comprehensive, premier educational experience. Graduates will transform their communities, our nation, and the world, through Christlike selfless service.
The Rancho Christian School graduate shall be:
Christ-Like: having obtained an understanding of the Christian faith, equipped for continued spiritual growth, able to integrate the word of God into their lives, prepared to serve Christ and others and having the character of a virtuous man or woman.
A Life-Long Learner: having read a wide scope of literature, trained in the skills of doing research, gathering and assimilating information, recognizing their own personal giftedness, and having a knowledge and appreciation of art and culture.
Articulate: able to express thoughtful ideas through writing, speech, and the creative arts.
A Thinker: having obtained knowledge, skilled in critical analysis, able to solve problems and to draw logical conclusions.
Wholesome: having both the knowledge and understanding to care for the mental, physical and spiritual welfare of themselves and others.
All staff & faculty fingerprinted & background checked utilizing the “Live Scan” F.B.I. National Database
All visitors to campus check in/out using the “Raptor” system which checks against a continually updated, offender database
All staff & faculty CPR and First Aid Certified
Recurring fire, earthquake, and campus “Lock Down” drills
72 hour earthquake kits available for every classroom
Campus equipped with a multiple-location, recording video cameras
Professional, armed security on campus every day
We believe that Jesus is the Savior of the World.
We follow Jesus as we commit to teach what Jesus taught and do what Jesus did, together, as a diverse community of friends advancing the cause of Christ through mercy, justice, and love.
We believe in one God - Father, Son, Spirit - the loving Creator of all things visible and invisible, who fashioned humankind in His image so that we would know Him and reflect His loving care in the world.
We believe that God is saving the world He so loves through Jesus, the Christ, the Savior, fully human and fully divine. He taught that a new way of life, the Kingdom of Heaven, has come and is coming to earth. Because of the brokenness of the world, He was crucified to demonstrate the sacrificial love of God. On the third day, He was resurrected in victory over the brokenness of the world, defeating sin and death, uniting humankind with God eternally.
We believe we are united to the Father only by his grace through Jesus Christ, received by faith. Union with God is not earned by good works, obedience to religious law, religious devotion, or correct doctrine, but only by the work of Jesus Christ to unite us to God by grace alone.
We believe that the Holy Spirit unites us to God and to one another in an unbroken and unbreakable relationship. By the Spirit of God, we are joined to a family of faith that Jesus called his Gathering, the Church, empowered by the Spirit to live a life of selfless love. We believe that the Church is a global family advancing the cause of Christ with wide open arms, welcoming everyone to experience God’s unconditional love, then unconditionally loving the world around us.
We believe that the Scripture, both the Old and New Testament, is inspired by the Spirit of God and the foundation for teaching in the Church. The Scripture, properly interpreted, leads us to Jesus and leads us to love like Jesus.
We believe that Jesus was raised from the dead, body and spirit, and that we are raised with Christ to live a new life in the power and freedom of the resurrection. The resurrected Christ in us is the assurance of the love of God that empowers us to love others. The resurrection assures us we will be raised with Christ in body and spirit on the Day of Resurrection to eternally enjoy a new heaven and new earth reconciled to God in Christ, the risen king.
Apostle’s Creed (340 AD)
I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy universal church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
Rancho Christian School is a non-denominational school committed to a Jesus-centered, grace-based faith experience school-wide. Bible and theology classes focus on learning about the life and teachings of Jesus with a vision to honor God with our life and choices. Weekly Chapels equip students to know and follow Jesus with an emphasis on His Great Commandments to love God and love others. With love taught as the most important value in life, student culture is based on the unconditional love of God for each of us and the love we are to share with the world around us.
A specific faith expression is not required for enrollment, but Rancho’s Jesus-centered, grace-based mission, vision, and values must be acknowledged.
Rancho Christian School is a comprehensive school that also includes a core academic track that meets or exceeds University of California admission standards. Advanced academic offerings, including AP and concurrent enrollment courses, prepare gifted students for the highest levels of academic outcomes and opportunities. Our Educational Support Program is available for students needing additional academic attention to address learning challenges.
In elementary school, students engage with a social/emotional curriculum that teaches them to problem solve, work well together, and resolve relational disconnects. As students journey through secondary school, they work through more complex subject matter, preparing them to engage the world after graduation with a Jesus-centered worldview, the enjoyment of lifelong learning, mature articulation, a respectful attitude toward differences, and a commitment to community service.
Rancho Christian School Secondary School has a dress code defined as a Branded School, meaning students can wear any Rancho branded top we sell in our online or onsite FanWear store. This provides the comfort, casual styles, and flexibility students enjoy while keeping the campus looking sharp. Parents will enjoy the many options and price-point.
Rancho Christian Elementary School is a uniform school making it easier on parents and students to navigate. We have Casual Fridays which students love.
In every school, bottoms must be solid blue, black, or khaki pants with pockets and belt loops (no rips, no fade).
No. Rancho Christian celebrates and welcomes our diverse student body, working intentionally to ensure students from every background feel welcome, but CRT is not a helpful construct, nor is a graduate-level theoretical framework appropriate for primary and secondary education. Rancho Christian is committed to teaching history accurately, guiding students to learn profound lessons from both the good and the bad. History, properly taught, can be a tool that allows us to overcome the worst tendencies of humankind while enhancing the best tendencies as we express the image of God individually, societally, culturally, and globally.
Rancho Christian believes that identifying children in sexual terms can be unhelpful or even damaging. Each Rancho Christian student is taught that their core identity is centered on being a dearly loved child of God, made His image, and called to impact the world through the love of Jesus Christ. Students will engage with school programming based on their biological sex, including restroom use, locker room use, dress code, and athletic participation. Additionally, Rancho Christian has a policy prohibiting public displays of romantic affection on campus. The school environment should not be a place for sexual or romantic expression any more than a professional workplace should be.
Rancho Christian School offers a program to help families attend a premier private school that may require some financial assistance. Our Tailored Tuition program is need-based, so awards are granted through a third party that evaluates the level of need through a verified application process.