have you heard?
We’ve just opened a New Wing
We’re now accepting 2 Year Olds
We now have full day Pre-Kindergarten
“Thank you for stopping by! Learn more below and if you have any questions, please reach out - I’d love to tell you all about our preschool.”
-Erin Fonda, Executive Director
951-303-1304 x6119
Rancho Christian Preschool is a private, Christian Preschool located in the beautiful Temecula Valley of Southern California. Since 1981 our Preschool has welcomed families from all walks of life. We offer a safe, fun and learning environment where children are cared for by loving and qualified staff. Our facilities are modern & premier, including indoor and outdoor areas designed specifically for little ones. We offer flexible schedules Monday through Friday starting at 7:00am and closing at 5:30pm.
Our mission is to equip Christ-centered leaders who are life ready and university ready and it’s never too early to begin the journey. Rancho Christian Preschool is the first step to an incredible educational journey that will ground children in the love and grace of Jesus and prepare them to be life-long learners and future leaders in our world.
“Preschool children learn and grow best when they are exploring, touching and interacting with real things and have caring people around them. Recognizing the importance of balanced growth, our program is designed to engage children in active learning opportunities that enhance a child’s emotional, social, spiritual, physical and cognitive development.”
Our curriculum is designed to help children develop the skills they need to succeed in elementary school and beyond. We focus on literacy, math, science, social-emotional learning, and the arts.
Our teachers are passionate about early childhood education and are committed to helping each child reach their individual goals. They create a warm and welcoming environment where children feel safe and supported.
Our daily schedules are set so that children spend time in both active learning of their own choosing and learning specific skills and information in small group settings with teacher assistance. The children will participate in active learning through free choice play, exploring objects, ideas and nature, acting out roles, singing songs, reading books, using art materials, playing outdoors, and learning academic skills in structured small group settings.
We offer a variety of classes and schedules for children 2-5 years old, including potty training and full day Pre-Kindergarten.
Rancho Christian Preschool is proud to partner with organizations like RCOE Subsidized Funding for Childcare, The Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund, and ChildCare Aware to provide valuable resources for families interested in joining our school community.

We can’t wait to meet you!
Schedule a tour
We can’t wait to meet you and your child and show you our beautiful campus. Email (preschool@ranchochristian.org) or call us at 951-303-1304 to schedule your appointment today.
Apply Online
Our online application will begin the process of acquiring all the information we need to enroll your child. Don’t worry, we’ll walk you through the whole process.

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”
-Proverbs 22:6
Dad’s Night
Mom’s Night
Christmas Program
End-of-the-Year Promotion Program
Weekly Chapels
Learning units are thematically based with fun themes such as dinosaurs, outer space, etc.
Our classrooms are designed to have 18 children with a Lead Teacher and a Classroom Assistant. If enrollment in an individual classroom does not reach 18 children, then the child to teacher ratio will be 1 teacher to 12 children.
Children are placed in a classroom based on their chronological age. They will remain in that classroom from the start of the school year until the end of the school year.
Children may bring their own lunch to school. In an effort to provide the best possible nutrition and physical activity environment for the children in our facility, we have adopted policies that support good health habits for our children.
Potty Training Policy
Learning to use the toilet is a huge milestone in a child’s life. To help reach this milestone successfully, there are a few points that families need to consider before and during the potty training process. Listed below is a readiness checklist and guidelines to follow when teaching a child to use the toilet properly.
When will I know my child is ready to potty train? Your child should:
Be able to follow simple instructions
Remain dry for at least 2 hours at a time throughout the day
Have regular and predictable bowel movements (child may have bowel movements once a day or every 2-3 days)
Does not like to be in a soiled/wet diaper
Has an interest in the potty
Requests to wear big-kid underwear
Can walk to and from the bathroom, and can pull their pants up/down with little-to-no assistance
If your child can accomplish most of these tasks, then your child is likely ready to start the potty training process. If your child does not possess any of the tasks listed above, or has a fear of using the potty, then your child may need some more time until a majority of those skills are checked off. If a child starts potty training before they are ready, then the process will probably be frustrating and may even delay the process. Waiting for a child to have a majority of the checklist complete would result in an easier, smoother and successful potty training process.
Rancho Christian Preschool will practice the following sanitation and safety guidelines:
Child-sized toilets and sinks are provided.
The toilet and equipment will be cleaned with soap and water and sanitized with a bleach solution when the toilet seat/surrounding area is visibly dirty, and at least once a day.
Wet or soiled clothing will be placed in a sealed, plastic bag and sent home (we will not rinse the soiled clothing as this will contaminate hands/other surfaces).
Each child should have complete sets of extra clothing (a minimum of 2 for 1/2 day students, or 4 for full day students) and a pair of shoes that will remain inside their cubby.
Children will be taught and encouraged to wipe front to back.
Children will wash their hands after using the potty or having their clothes changed.
Teachers will wash their hands after assisting a child with using the potty, cleaning the toilet/surrounding areas and/or handling contaminated items.
We do not allow the use of diapers for potty training, children must wear underwear or pull-ups.
Children need to wear clothing that is easy to pull on/off by themselves (i.e. pants with elastic waistbands, skirts/dresses, etc.).
We do not allow pacifiers or sippy cups at the preschool.
Parents are responsible for furnishing the following items:
Plenty of extra underwear/pull-ups
Extra change of clothing (2 sets for children who attend 1/2 day and 4 sets for children who attend full day)
Extra pair of shoes
2 crib sheets and blankets (full day children only)
Label all of your child’s belongings
Children who have special needs shall be accepted only if it is determined by the Director that:
There will be no adverse effect upon the other children either through direct behavior of the child or through requiring staff time needed by the other children.
The school is able to meet the needs of the child.
The parents of children who do not speak and/or understand the English language must meet with the Director prior to the child enrolling into the preschool program to establish a written plan for communicating with the child.
If it is suspected that a child may have special needs after they begin our program the parents must cooperate with the school in obtaining the necessary assessments to determine if the preschool is able to meet the needs of the child.
Each child admitted must be determined by the Director to be able to benefit from the program offered and that his/her needs can be met. Classroom assignments are determined according to the child’s age in August.
All children 3 years and older should be able without assistance:
To care for his/her toilet needs, and wash his/her hands.
To use tissue to blow his/her nose.
To put on and take off necessary clothing.
Pull-ups are not allowed for children unless they are enrolled in the Little Tots program.
Diapers are not permitted.
In case the child should not be able to meet these requirements or should, for some reason, continually revert to an earlier stage of development, it may be necessary to withdraw the child from school.
Rancho Christian Preschool operates on a nondiscriminatory basis, according equal treatment and access to services without regard to race, color, national origin or ancestry.
Registration is based on available space within the child’s developmental level; please call the preschool office to verify if there is availability in your child’s developmental level. Developmental level is determined by the child’s chronological age as well as how the child fits into the academic and social framework of the school. Rancho Christian Preschool accepts the obligation to work with each child and family to determine the proper placement of each child.
The preschool shall maintain a waiting list in general chronological order to inquiries received, giving preference to siblings of enrolled children in the Rancho Christian Preschool and Rancho Christian School system.
Each child must present proof of proper immunization as stated in the California Health and Safety Code, Section 1596.81, prior to enrollment. Only children who are fully immunized are enrolled. Please see the immunizations required by clicking the link below. A Physician’s Report Form is required prior to enrollment documenting the child’s physical ability to attend a child care center, that a Tuberculosis (TB) test has been completed and any special needs or medical conditions that the child may have.

Friends & Family Program!
At Rancho Christian Preschool, we value the partnership we have with our families. We know that word of mouth is the best form of advertising a business can get, and this is where you come in.
The Friends & Family Program is our way of sharing our appreciation with you when you refer your friends and family to Rancho. If you have any friends or family that may benefit from a Rancho Christian Preschool education, we want to hear from you! We are currently enrolling for our second semester and want to do all we can to make that transition as comfortable as possible for children and parents. As a thank you for referring a new family to our school, we will credit your tuition for $100 for each qualifying family.
Share with your friends what you love about Rancho!
Stop in for a visit and tour of our preschool. For each new family that notes you as a referring family and completes both an application AND enrollment, you will receive a $100 credit for your tuition in the month following completed enrollment. The referred new student must pay for and complete the registration process before the credit will be issued.
There is no limit to the amount of referral credits you may receive. Credit will be offered for each new family who enrolls due to your referral.
Your credit will be applied to your monthly tuition. Credit will be applied on the first month after their enrollment. Credit is non-refundable.
This offer applies to classrooms that have spaces available at the referred student’s time of enrollment.
New students do not include Rancho Christian Preschool students moving on to RCS, or returning RCP students.Description text goes here